Monday, May 09, 2011

Injury Time

I am out of commission :(

After 14 weeks of training, during which I didn't miss a single scheduled work out and ran over 700 miles, I have decided to take an unscheduled & indefinite break. My lower back issue is now officially a derailer to race preparations.

While I know that I was not really India's bright hope for a medal at London 2012 or even 2016, in my mind, I was pretty much on a quest larger than that.

My mind is a falooda with emotions ranging from rage, stoicism, depression, frustration and of course, hope for a miracle in 4 weeks.

Just a week ago, I was all gung-ho about taking on a marathon in 5 weeks and going for 3:05. Right now, I will be lucky to get to the starting line with no injury.

I feel I have a bit of the legendary Irish luck when one knows that a bit of good fortune is usually an indicator of a disaster round the corner.

I know I am in good shape to repeat a 3:10 at least if I just manage to get to the starting line, but right now I can't knock out even 10 miles without pain. So after some discussion with my coach, I have decided to take this break and consult some sports medicine therapists. Lets see where that goes. In the past I have gotten over injuries by just resting and doing no running for a week or even two. But I was never chasing time in those races.So all I would do is rest and get to the starting line and then aim to finish the race with less mileage in training than planned. And that was fine. Even now I can perhaps run a 3:28 (~8 min pace) with some pain but no muscle pulls but what use is that?! I might as well go see Sea World while I am in San Diego

The rage is mostly being directed towards my considerable pile of unread books. I am knocking off my 2nd book in as many days now. Even Martin Meredith's doorstopper doesn't seem like a challenge now with the amount of free time I have on hand. But it is difficult to even eat food without guilt. And I no longer even need an afternoon nap.

And I am the first one to note that this could have happened earlier too and I wouldn't have even had 3:10 against my name. But humans are greedy and I am human!

As Carey says in Liar Liar, "And that's the way the cookie crumbles"


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