Mary and Max...
is an outstanding claymation movie and tells the story of an 8 year old girl in Australia and her 40 something pen friend (obese guy) in the USA and how their extra-ordinary friendship pans out over 20 years or so.
Strongly recommended if you love animated flicks. Strongly recommended if you love off-beat scripts and strongly recommended if you love good movies. And
This is my favourite to win the Oscar in its category.
In the tradition of the movie, here is a P.S. -> A random look at the IMDB entry for Toni Collette reveals "...At the age of 11 she showed her phenomenal acting skills when she faked appendicitis out of boredom and longing for attention; her act was so convincing that doctors had to remove her appendix, even though the test showed nothing wrong with it...." I already love this woman... One more addition to the crush list
Update: I forgot I had seen Up and liked that immensely too. Up has a lot more American humour and frankly I loved it while M&M is more heartwarming and I am a sucker for heartwarmers. So now I am confused :( Why can't they split the Oscar?
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