Sunday, May 13, 2007

Dhammerica – Day Eight

Time for pasta loading. We head to Hoboken again. A friend who had originally planned to run the half marathon, but pulled out eventually due to injury, decided to still come down to NJ. We caught up with him and his friends to have a lovely afternoon out.

We spent quite a while in regaling each other with stories from our pasts while having a leisurely lunch.
Also, spent some time in packing up for our West Coast jaunt.

One of the activities which occupies an OCD afflicted runner is the pre-race preparations. The socks, the shoes, the Vaseline, the cap, whether to wear a full sleeve or half sleeve, shorts, etc.

Tried to sleep early, but pre-race jitters kept us awake till some fatigue took over and put us to sleep thankfully a little past midnight.



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