Saturday, February 19, 2011

20B20W - 6th book

Racing Weight by Matt Fitzgerald is an excellent read for triathletes, runners and cyclists  (almost in that order). Even rowers should find parts of it very helpful.

Has significant amount of background on why we should eat what we eat, how to plan one's eating (nutrition timing), nutrition in off season and training etc. Has a chapter of recipes though I didn't like it as much as the rest of the book, since they use eggs or some form of meat. For the TV watching people who want to know what celeb athletes eat, there is one chapter on what they eat as well (Not that knowing what Scott Jurek eats will help you run like him!). 

Can personally vouch for 1 tip (HT to Anil here) - splitting one's 3 meals into 4, in my case splitting my 900 calorie breakfast into 2 chunks (consumed about 90 min apart) has resulted in my losing a pound in a week, not bad for someone who is desperately trying to lose 5 pounds.

Overall good read. Hope the author revises it with some focus on vegetarians as well although I plan to buy Vegetarian Sports Nutrition   soon



Blogger Bhasker Sharma said...

I bought this book a few months ago and am yet to read it:)

2/20/2011 9:02 AM  

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