Sunday, August 10, 2008

Urban Stampede

Today was a big day. I participated in my first ever 5K race! (A little weird since I have done longer races incl. an ultra). It was part of RFL's corporate relay contest, Urban Stampede
78 teams from 38 companies had turned up.

I had sort of helped my 3 other team mates for the relay, prepare for the race. So it was important that they did well. Everyone incl. me turned in PBs.
Timings are not in yet, but we turned something around 1:49 for the 20K. The race was won by some aliens running in about 1:27 or so. More when timings arrive. Highlight of the race was Jugy's alien-like 22:13 for 5K

Also, thanks to the muscular young man Manoj for pacing 3/4th of the team, w/o we couldn't have managed what we did



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