Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Adieu to Premier Book Shop

I had mentioned Premier here before.
I just read this while looking for some proof of the fact that Premier was supposed to close. I was there a couple of days ago and the now familiar board was gone and the shutters down :(

So one more relic of the Bangalore I love is gone.

God bless Mr. Shanbag. I am quite sad that I missed his exit and more so that he is gone. I would have probably made a few frantic purchases and like Ram Guha taken his autograph :(

Despite being the bargain hunter, I would have gladly bought his books at face value if I had known it could help bring him back...

I don't know if one gets sadder or stoic as one grows older.



Blogger Mr. D said...

I met Guha the day he took his daughter there. I should have taken both their autographs. Pity.

3/24/2009 8:54 AM  

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