Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Ek Fool Do Mail...

Today was a significant day in terms of my ageing or perhaps not.

I had contrasting experiences in my communication. I struck a bond with a colleague by being plain civil in my handling of some work and my conversation. I had what I would count as "could have been better" day on a personal note when someone took offence to the way I communicate.

The startling thing is that I am often told that my personal relationships are significantly better than my professional ones and I should learn to replicate the former in the latter. And I maintain more or less the same tone in both believing in a "consistency of communication" stance, rather than use one over the other. The only discernible difference is a conscious avoidance of expletives at work.

So much for trying...


Blogger manoj said...

your personal communication is better... i can only wonder the state of your professional communication then... ;)
(remember... you are trying not to use expletives)

4/03/2009 7:13 AM  

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