Saturday, February 13, 2010

Kala Ghoda Arts Festival - Literature Quiz

In a quiz which reminded me of Bangalore and how much I miss it (and simultaneously made me feel great about being in Bombay), my team qualified for the finals and narrowly missed 3rd place. But we made the finals... Woo hoo!

Sumant, Vibhendu and Ananya Deb of Bombay Quiz Club did a great job ensuring that around 25 teams which didn't make the finals were equally entertained. Any book lover would have felt like the happiness equivalent of a double pitcher at the nearby Leopold's after attending the quiz. It is quite a thankless job to be a quizmaster and even worse to set a good quiz. Hence hat tips and 3 Japanese bows to them.

The quiz was won narrowly by Girish & Co., with Rishi and Amit Varma coming 2nd. Sarat, my team mate for the day ensured we snared some beauties for the day...



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