Sunday, September 27, 2009

You Cannot Be Serious by John McEnroe

For most people in my generation and perhaps the one before mine, John McEnroe was the most volatile, talented and entertaining player to watch in tennis.

This auto-biography is amazing to read, being heartwarming at times, super funny at others and self-effacing.

Among other things, Mc's love and respect for Borg and his constant quest to discover himself come thru. Here is a sample from the book which convinces one to read it, "That's why bad things happen to athletes more often than with other people. They can't reach that high anymore, so they have to get it artificially, or, if they don't succeed, feel empty. "

Must Read.

P.S. I am using my holiday in Bangalore to knock off a few books on that really long list of books waiting to be read



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