Saturday, July 31, 2010

Night-Out Run

I am singing in the rain...(Not the Malcolm McDowell one, the Fred Astaire one)

After what seems like a long time, I did a pure night out - no sleep yet since y'day. Of course, it was for work.

Will sleep soon.

13 km in 1:06 or so, all of it in the rain. In fact the return stretch on Worli Sea-face (WSF) offered tail-wind for the first time in my entire running in Bombay. I always get head-wind but usually get cheated when I run back. But then today is my day. And I ran my pants off. Surely I ran a negative split for my return leg mostly because I had this guy in my sights. And I ran about 300-400 m up WSF and back.

Exorcised one major regular humiliation by this guy who usually races me up Pedder Road faster than I can get down. Today is my day. No one beats me today. I ran down 2 pairs of guys, most of whom are usually faster than I am down Worli Sea-face and raced home in order to have my breakfast and go to sleep.

Feel like a million bucks. Actually I am forcing myself to sleep now. Zzz...

Today is my day. Sunday bloody Sunday.

As the quote goes, Today is the beginning of the rest of my life.

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