Friday, September 17, 2010

Waltzing Matunga (Road...)*

‎46:12 for 6 miles this morn...It is the fastest I have run in recent memory and unlike most fast runs, I started steady...
1st lap of 1.2 km in 5:45#
and then I tried to maintain the deficit of 15 secs per lap

But the 7th lap completed in 5:30 or so set me up for a finish.

Actually at the end of 7th lap, I had taken 40:16 or so.
So when I started my 8th loop, all I had to do was hold an 8 min mile pace which I thankfully did.

I am taking some sensible advice from some generous souls in the US, who are awesome runners about a planned sabbatical for Boston. Right now, it looks like I may put it off for another year while I build some serious time.

For all the excitement about today's time, a 3:10 for Boston means I need to be able to do a 40 min 10K (I know you can do a 42 min 10K too, but you can't hold a 10K pace for a full marathon,atleast I can't)

So wish me luck to take off from work soon...

All my buddies running KTM, God Speed...

#that is not really so fast when you know that it usually degrades
* Matunga Road is the closest railway station to my humble home in Bombay

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