Monday, April 09, 2012

Books on Running - Book Lust/List

2012 seems to be a great year for books on running. Actually make that, great year for books on running by great runners.

The following are just 3 that I know of.

14 minutes by Alberto Salazar (with John Brant, who wrote Duel in the Sun) - releases t'row!
Eat and Run by Scott Jurek - releases in June 2012
A Life without Limits by Chrissie Wellington*  - releases in May 2012

If not for the fact that they together cost around $50, I would have ordered them myself. Besides I don't fancy lugging hardbound books back from the US.

But if you are a millionaire who wishes to send me not-so-expensive gifts or if you run a magazine/website which wants these reviewed (If you send me the book and let me keep it, I might even do it for free!), get in touch! I do have almost 4 years of book reviewing experience and over 10 years of running behind me. So both help. And I have 30+ years of book-lusting. That does not help :(


* I know Chrissie is a triathlete but she is an Olympic calibre marathoner too, who has just chosen to compete in triathlons.

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