More Books
Paula: Paula Radcliffe's autobiography cowritten with David Walsh - amazing read so far
IWoz: Steve Woz's biography
Late Update: The books were Rohit's and are generous donations :)
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Paula: Paula Radcliffe's autobiography cowritten with David Walsh - amazing read so far
Labels: Books
This one is perhaps among the last few posts I will make on my blog for the next 6-7 months.
Labels: 2010 mileage, Random, Running
In a curious connect, bought 2 books from flipkart
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aka Good Omens...
Labels: 2010 mileage, Mission Boston, Running
This post is to announce the revival of my attempts to try and qualify for Boston.
Labels: Mission Boston, Running
21.5 to 22 km in 1:59:22*
Labels: 2010 mileage, Running
46:12 for 6 miles this morn...It is the fastest I have run in recent memory and unlike most fast runs, I started steady...
Labels: 2010 mileage, Mission Boston, Running
Ran 15 km on Sat, some of it with the generous Jugy who ran about 8.4 km with me.
Labels: 2010 mileage, Running
Landmark finally found Solar by Ian McEwan and I gratefully lapped it up but not before groaning at the condition of the new book...
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Surreal Moment for the day...
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This weekend, I finally got to wear the jersey of the Albiceleste and play football - a lifelong dream. Pic as soon as I get it.
Labels: 2010 mileage, Running what I had originally titled my review of the book. But Remembrance of things past is fine too.
Labels: Book Review
Leela - a patchwork life (Leela Naidu's bio) by Jerry Pinto
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I am 32 and feeling homesick in a city of over 16 million people.
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St. Jude (patron saint of lost causes)
But I am anything but happy with the people. One truck full of abusive kids hurling m* and other profanities at passers-by around Shivaji Park, other trucks full of more such people blocking the road, making running next to impossible...
Labels: 2010 mileage, Running
The good man VJ continues his saintly deeds by buying us The Thousand Autumns of Jacob De Zoet by David Mitchell (which seems a promising read from my reading of the 1st chapter)...
Labels: Books